This article was originally published in truehollywoodtalk.com on 8/26/21.
With over 2 million podcasts out there today, it can be difficult finding the right one to listen to. Whether you’re the kind of listener who has a handful of shows that you’re consistently tuning in to, or you jump from podcast to podcast, it’s important to filter out the right content from the wrong.
We had the opportunity of interviewing the host of Chase The Vision with Isaac Mashman podcast, for this exclusive article.
Welcome Isaac, before we talk about your podcast, can you tell our readers a little bit about you?
Absolutely, and I appreciate this opportunity! In short without getting super deep into my background, I’m a businessman, creative, and podcast host. I’ve had the opportunity over the last four years to do quite a few things, and I’ve delved into nearly half a dozen businesses, if not more, launched multiple podcasts, and my current focus is on running my public relations firm Mashman Ventures.
Early on I struggled with understanding what I wanted to pursue, so I decided to just try a bunch of different things. My early years in business were full of experiences and growth, not just professionally but also individually. I eventually became the go-to guy in my circle for branding and personal branding, and that’s when the idea of helping people with their personal brands really started.